



The body can be strong, the mind can be clear, but what then drives and propels us to move forward and to connect and experience life? We enter now the realm of the spirit, which is our personal experience of spirituality. Our connection to our spirit does not have to take on any particular form. Often we get caught up in the trappings of our birth religion, or discover a connection to a new vehicle of spirituality, but it can be argues that the form does not matter; it is more what moves us to make the connection at all. For some of us, soul will be sinking our hands into the good dark earth of our garden. For others, it may be participating in the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism or singing a Catholic hymn. The point is, just as with our choice of physical practice, our choice of spirit related practice should be driven by what we connect with on a personal level.

Holistic health has roots in ancient healing traditions, with Socrates warned against treating only one part of the body, “for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Similarly, Hippocrates said “Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine.” Holistic health emphasises the interaction between an individual and environment and encourages a patient to examine what factors promote or prevent health and well-being. Harmony in these interactions promotes wellness, while disharmony and imbalance results in being unwell. The spirit is the core of our being, so cannot experience happiness by suppressing our spirit. The mind and body needs to nourish the soul by connecting to our inner guidance system and raising our consciousness and awareness of the world around us. The result we seek is to become balanced, inside and outside.


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